Session 2, PART A: The Cyprus Shipping Sector R&I Developments
13 October 2022 at 10:35 - 11:20
Location: Carob Mill Conference Centre, Limassol
10:35-10:50 BioMethane as a Drop-In Marine BioFuel: A Virtual Pipeline Solution,
Dr. Sotiris Petrakides, Founder and Managing Director, InoMob LTD
10:50-11:05 Application of Hydrogen Technologies for existing maritime Vessels,
Dr. Christodoulos Christodoulou, Founder and CEO, Hystore Tech Ltd
11:05-11:20 Navigating the unknown: Rapid on-board testing for New BWM IMO Standard,
Mr. Costantinos Loizou, Founder and CEO, EMBIO Diagnostics
Founder & Managing Director
InoMob LTD
Founder and CEO
Hystore Tech Limited
Founder and CEO
EMBIO Diagnostics